Not all chiropractors are the same. Chiropractors employ varying techniques or treatments they have learned and chosen to utilize in their practices. While attending Life College (University) of Chiropractic, our doctors studied many techniques.
Below is a list of various treatment options available at our offices:
*Full Spine Diversified/Motion Palpation.
This is a hands-on technique that uses high velocity, low amplitude thrusts that usually results in a cavitation (or popping) of a joint, which releases air and pressure from a fixated joint. These techniques attempt to restore the normal biomechanics of the spine in order to create motion in spinal joints, with the goal of restoring function and structure to the joint.
Methods uses the Activator Adjusting Instrument to give consistent low-force, high-speed chiropractic adjustments. This is known as “Gentle Chiropractic.”
*Extremity Adjusting.
(includes Shoulders, Elbow, Wrists, Hands, Hips, Knees, Ankles and Feet). This technique attempts to restore the normal biomechanics of the extremities in order to create motion in extremity joints, with the goal of restoring function and structure to the joint.
*Pediatric Adjusting.
We see lots of babies and children. We adjust children different than adults. They have a more gentle adjustment. We helped establish the Pediatric Club at Life University and we are members of the ICPA (International Chiropractic Pediatric Association). Visit the following government link to view more about the safety of chiropractic care with children: The safety and effectiveness of pediatric chiropractic.
*Webster’s Technique.
We trained under the late Dr. Larry Webster. The Webster Technique is a specific chiropractic sacral analysis and diversified adjustment. The goal of the adjustment is to reduce the effects of sacral subluxation/ SI joint dysfunction. In doing so, neuro-biomechanical function in the pelvis is improved. Sacral subluxation may contribute to difficult labor for the mother (i.e., dystocia), caused by inadequate uterine function, pelvic contraction, and baby mal-presentation. Correction of sacral subluxation may have a positive effect on all of these causes of dystocia.
*Pregnant Moms.
More and more women are discovering the many benefits associated with chiropractic care in pregnancy. The most common complaint where women seek chiropractic care in pregnancy is for low back pain. As more women utilize chiropractic care they are noticing additional benefits to chiropractic care in pregnancy.
Visit the following link to discover the safety of chiropractic care during pregnancy and see several large, collaborative studies that show the efficacy and safety of chiropractic care during pregnancy: ICPA Research and Publications.
*Arthrostim/Impulse Adjusting Technique.
The Impulse Adjusting Instrument provides a gentle and specific chiropractic adjustment. The speed of the gentle thrust allows Dr. Hummel to adjust the spine faster than the body’s ability to tighten up and resist the adjustment. This is also known as “Gentle Chiropractic.”
This is a chiropractic technique based on the work of Dr Gonstead D.C. and utilizes specific spinal listings.
*Thompson/Drop Table.
This technique is performed by the use of an adjusting table with a segmented drop system, which quickly lowers the section of the patient’s body corresponding with the spinal region being adjusted, whether in the dorsal, lumber or pelvic area. By means of this widely used device your practitioner thrusts at high speed, using minimal force, because while the thrust initiates movement, the fast drop carries the joint through the remainder of its range of motion.
*Cox Flexion-Distraction.
This technique has been shown to be very effective in treating low back pain, including lumbar disc bulges and herniations. It is a gentle, non-force adjusting procedure which works with the body’s natural design to aid it in healing properly.
*SOT (Sacral Occipital Technique).
This is sometimes called craniosacral therapy, however the S.O.T. work was further developed and specialized by its founder Dr. Major B. DeJarnette. SOT is a method of normalizing the relationship between the foundation of the spine (sacrum) and the top of the spine (occiput or base of the head).